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Policy and Lobbying

ScotlandIS works closely with Scottish Government, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland to underline the importance of the digital technologies industry to the Scottish economy.

We lobby policy makers and government on industry issues, for example connectivity and infrastructure improvements, and are viewed as a trusted source of information, providing a strong industry voice.

Intelligent influence on the digital revolution

ScotlandIS has influence and connections within the industry in Scotland, the Scottish Government and policy-makers. The positive work we do has implications for every business in the sector.

Manifesto – Creating a climate for change

Developed in consultation with its membership, the ScotlandIS manifesto calls on the Scottish Government to focus on fostering growth in the digital technologies sector.

We describe the sector as ‘the invisible industry that is changing the world’ and recommend that better connectivity for every citizen, a workforce equipped for the future and greater digital inclusion will help Scotland to achieve its potential as a digital nation. Our manifesto highlights three significant opportunities for growth: exports, data science, and cybersecurity.

An influential hub for members

We bring intelligent influence to national strategic debates and speak with authority across the spectrum of issues that surround the digital revolution.

We seek to influence at all stages in the policy-making process, gathering opinion from members on policy proposals such as white papers or legislative proposals, to political lobbying and providing feedback on policy reviews and policy enactment.

Our insightful research and active lobbying enables us to act as an influential hub for members, government, media and academia.

As the authoritative voice championing the vital digital technologies industry, ScotlandIS views lobbying and policy-making as a crucial part of our responsibility and remit. We strive to connect our members to policy makers in government, to forge partnerships and realise potential.

Scottish Government Procurement

ScotlandIS works closely with Scottish Procurement to give them greater visibilility of our members expertise and capabilities.  Follow the links below to key parts of the procurement section of the website.

If there are any queries these can be resolved through the links in the various webpages or simply contact one of the team at ScotlandIS and we will contact procurement on your behalf.

  • Scottish Procurement
  • Public Contracts Scotland
  • Supplier Journey
  • Single Point of Enquiry

Contract & Strategy Development

Scottish Government Procurement has asked us to make members aware of the latest developments in G-cloud – especially the opportunity to register for the ‘applycamp’.  For more information please click here.

How to use CloudStore

Recent Policy News

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